Even flowers close at night
petals folding into prayer
this too is nature's wisdom
the sacred dance of
opening and closing
opening again
There is no shame in closing
when shadows grow long
no failure in protecting
what's tender and true
this too
Through four decades of wandering between traditions and truths, moving physically from place to place, studying with various teachers and exploring countless healing modalities, I've discovered that all paths ultimately lead to one essential truth:
our heart's evolution is our greatest work.
Like many of us, I was seeking something complex, something that would explain away the pain and the longing.
I studied ancient texts, dove deep into indigenous technologies for heart opening, wrestled with religious frameworks, and explored modern healing practices.
All while carrying my own wounded heart, thinking I needed to fix it before I could serve others.
But here's what I've come to understand: The work, isn't about reaching some perfect state of enlightenment or achieving permanent heart opening. It's about learning to navigate our heart's natural rhythm of opening and closing with grace and wisdom.
In this extraordinary time of connection, as we bridge the gap between Before Internet (BI) and After Internet (AI), we're witnessing something remarkable. Our collective sharing has revealed that beneath all our apparent differences, we're all wrestling with the same core wounds, longing for the same belonging, seeking the same remembering.
We're discovering that healing isn't about staying permanently open - even flowers close at night.
It's about learning to trust the rhythm, to stay present with what is, to recognize that every closing holds the seed of the next opening.
This is what I mean by heart medicine - not a cure for our humanity, but a remembering of our wholeness.
Every time we dare to feel what we've been avoiding, every time we choose to stay present when everything in us wants to run, every time we allow our heart to crack open even for a moment - we're doing the work of evolution.
I've seen it countless times in my work - both individually and in relationships. Whether it's a personal session where someone finally allows their heart to open after years of protection, or a couple finding their way back to love through the shadows, or conscious business partners learning to lead with open hearts - the medicine is always in the meeting of what is.
This is my life's work now. Not because I've mastered permanent opening (I haven't), but because I've learned to trust the closing too. To see how our wounds become our medicine, how our struggles become our strength, how our stories transform from drama to dharma when held in the light of gentle presence.
In this connected world, we're all learning together that the path home isn't about escaping our humanity but embracing it fully. Every shadow we dare to feel becomes light for another. Every story we dare to tell becomes medicine for all.
This is how we evolve - one heart, one opening, one remembering at a time.
Love, Oriya
I am enjoying your writing very much. Simple truth’s, shared in an authentic voice, thank you 🙏🏻