Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
There is a field. I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
Doesn't make any sense.

~ Rumi

Welcome to Medicinal Words for the Heart, a space dedicated to exploring the gentle art of keeping our hearts open in a world that often invites them to close.

After four decades of seeking through various spiritual traditions, healing modalities, and religious frameworks - from ultra-orthodox roots to indigenous wisdom circles - I've discovered that all paths lead to one essential truth: human evolution is about learning to keep our hearts open longer, becoming more inclusive rather than exclusive beings.

Together, we will explore -

  • Spaces to ask questions and share wisdom

  • Tools for navigating the Heart’s closings and openings

  • Stories that help us remember who we are

In this extraordinary time, as we bridge the divide between Before Internet (BI) and After Internet (AI), our connected world reveals a profound reality: we all share the same core longings, face similar wounds, and seek belonging in our own ways.

When the heart first cracks open 
We think it's breaking 
But that's where the light enters 
Where our stories transform 
From drama to dharma 
From wounded to wise
From seeking to being 

This newsletter is an invitation to explore together. Through words, stories and more, we'll navigate the territory of the heart - its openings and closings, its shadows and light, its wounds and wisdom.

Your questions, comments, and shared experiences are not just welcome but essential to this journey. Ask Anything.

I love creating sacred spaces where we can safely explore the roadblocks, limiting beliefs, and unresolved pain that keep our hearts defended. Because we can't tell a new story until we release the old one, and we can't release what we're not ready to feel.

Book a no-obligation 30-minute heart-centered conversation

Every shadow we illuminate 
Becomes a bridge to light 
Every story we dare to tell 
Becomes medicine for another 
Every heart that opens 
Makes room for all hearts 
To remember their way home

Join me in this exploration. Subscribe to receive medicine for your heart, engage with others on this path, and remember together what our hearts have never forgotten.

Love, Oriya

hello@oriya.com | https://wa.link/oriya

Subscribe to Love, Oriya

Heart medicine for life's deepest questions. Stories of love, loss, addictions and remembering who we are.


Creator of the Micro Memoir Project - dedicated to helping you let go of your stories, either emotionally and/or by sharing them.