Very High Priest | a Micro-Memoir

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Are you carrying wounds that feel too shameful to share? Do you find yourself recreating childhood patterns in increasingly complex ways? Has life stripped away everything until only raw truth remains?

This January, in twelve intense days of raw truth-telling, I created something I've been avoiding my entire life—a complete manuscript that transforms decades of hiding into light. With three interwoven timelines, "Very High Priest" reveals what happens when we stop waiting to be "healed enough" to share our truth.

Transform Your Story from Drama to Dharma

A Dance of Sacred and Shadow

This is my story. It's messy, it's real, and it's full of the shadows I tried to outrun. From the dark basements of Jerusalem to the gleaming towers of Wall Street, from a child's High Priest costume to underground ceremonies shrouded in sacred smoke, I've finally stopped running.

  1. The Child Seeker: Journey with me, an ultra-orthodox boy in Jerusalem, watching his parents chase God through needles, learning that truth is dangerous and silence is holy. Witness a young heart navigate between sacred and shadow, carrying secrets too heavy for any child.

  2. The High Priest: Follow the same soul decades later, now an underground shaman in America, using sacred medicine to help others while desperately avoiding his own trauma. Watch as childhood patterns repeat—no longer the boy protecting his parents' addiction and his spiritual teacher's secrets, but the guide providing sacred smoke for others' awakening.

  3. The Guide: Enter present-day integration, where a frozen truth-teller discovers how his desperate search for the perfect story trapped him in a sophisticated prison. Experience the twelve days of raw creation that transformed decades of carrying into medicine.

The Power of Micro-Memoir

Like Joshua's twelve sacred stones marking Israel's crossing into the Promised Land, this manuscript reveals twelve foundational moments of transformation that marked my journey home to truth.

What emerged is a prototype, a proof of concept for what I call "Micro-Memoir"—where Hollywood story structure meets shamanic wisdom. This isn't a traditional memoir; it's a focused journey through precise beats that transformed my life, following the exact patterns that mirror every soul's journey of awakening.

Is this manuscript polished? No. Did I wait for perfect editing? No. Because truth doesn't need perfection—it needs courage.

Through these twelve stones of remembering, witness how:

  • Childhood shame transforms into shared light.

  • Religious trauma becomes spiritual medicine.

  • Addiction patterns reveal their purpose.

  • Sophisticated hiding surrenders to truth.

  • Personal drama becomes universal dharma.

Time-Sensitive Invitation

For a limited time, I'm sharing this intimate manuscript with all my Substack subscribers. Later, it will become part of a paid tier where I'll develop these stories into a full serialized memoir—diving deeper into each timeline, revealing more of what happens when we dare to break silence completely.

Want to understand how this medicine emerged? Read the full story of how story structure met sacred ceremony, leading to the framework that transforms our most guarded truths into bridges for others.

Whether you're:

  • Carrying childhood wounds that feel too heavy to share.

  • Recognizing how spiritual seeking became a sophisticated bypass.

  • Watching relationship patterns repeat despite your best efforts.

  • Ready to transform your own story from drama to dharma.

This manuscript serves as both map and mirror—showing how the very patterns we've been hiding might become our most profound medicine.

The Sacred Architecture

The Sacred Architecture

Through four elemental acts, every human life follows a precise journey of remembering:

Body: Where separation begins

  • Opening Image: The sacred setup.

  • Original Lie: Your soul's first drama.

  • Journey Out: External seeking.

Mind: Where seeking shapes us

  • The Debate: Questions and doubt.

  • Honeymoon: Success and triumph.

  • False Victory: Truth breaking through.

Spirit: Where grace intervenes

  • Shadow Rising: Divine warning.

  • Autocorrect: Life's intervention.

  • Journey In: Dark night home.

Heart: Where we remember wholeness

  • The Faceoff: Rejecting the lie.

  • Remembering: You are…

  • The Word: Integration.

Each beat serves as both milestone and medicine—marking our journey from separation to remembering, from sophisticated hiding to raw truth-telling, from personal drama to universal dharma.

Explore the Full Framework →

Remember: Your patterns aren't random but precisely crafted curriculum. Your wounds aren't mistakes but medicine waiting to be shared. Your truth itself is healing.

Love, Oriya