Ask Oriya & Private Guidance
Every heart carries a question
Some whispered in dreams
Some held in silence
Some waiting to be remembered
All worthy of witness
Welcome to this sacred space where hearts remember their wisdom. I believe the ultimate spiritual work is learning to navigate our heart's opening and closing - whether individually or in relationship with others.
Share Your Heart's Question
You can ask about:
Heart openings and closings
Relationship dynamics and patterns
Finding medicine in life's challenges
Transforming personal or shared stories
Navigating transitions with grace
Building conscious relationships
đŸ’« Special Feature: Use your voice right from your browser! Remain anonymous if you wish.
You can also message me here on Substack or email me.
Guidelines for Heart-Centered Sharing
When asking your question:
Share from the heart while honoring your privacy
Focus on present experience rather than past details
Be specific about what kind of guidance you're seeking
One question per submission allows for deeper exploration
I'll respond here on Medicinal Words for the Heart, sometimes with video responses that can serve as medicine for all.
In the space between words
Where hearts dare to open
Medicine flows like rivers
Finding their way home
My life's purpose is serving as heart medicine, creating sacred spaces where we can gently explore the territory of the heart.
Love, Oriya
Every shadow we dare to feel
Becomes light for another
Every story we dare to tell
Becomes medicine for all
This is how we remember