Origins of the Framework

This methodology wasn't born in a classroom or crafted in theory. It emerged from my own desperate need to make sense of my story - from ultra-orthodox drug-filled childhood, from Wall Street success to Beverly Hills ceremonies, from spiritual bypass to raw truth-telling.

For 15 years, I immersed myself in three streams of wisdom:

- Hollywood story structure and the ancient art of storytelling

- Indigenous technologies for heart opening and consciousness work

- The raw crucible of my own seven-year Dark Night of the Soul journey

My deepest learning came from my darkest moment - when I found myself recreating my childhood trauma in reverse, becoming everything I'd run from. In that seven-year dark night of the soul, frozen in shame and terror, this framework crystallized.

I discovered that every transformational journey follows four acts through four elements:

- BODY: Where separation begins

- MIND: Where we seek outside

- SPIRIT: Where grace breaks through

- HEART: Where we remember

Each element contains sacred beats - moments that mark our remembering. Through careful witnessing and pattern recognition, these moments reveal their medicine, their teaching, their gift.


Let me share honestly how we can explore your story together:

Begin with a Discovery Call (Free)

A sacred 30 minutes where we decode one significant moment from your journey and see what medicine wants to emerge. You'll experience how this work unfolds and feel if we're meant to walk together.

If we resonate, you have three paths:

Single Story Medicine Session

A deep dive into one powerful story that's asking to be transformed into medicine. Includes the recorded session plus a week of personal guidance as you begin working with your story vault.

The Four Acts Journey

Four weekly sessions to decode your core transformation story - the one that's been trying to teach you something all along. Together, we'll extract its medicine and help you find freedom through sharing or release.

Story Legacy Journey

Twelve weeks of intimate story work for those ready to transform their journey into a body of work - whether a book, course, or platform for serving others. We'll build your story vault and help your truth serve while setting you free.

Each journey includes recorded sessions enhanced by AI, turning your stories into infinite wells of content and wisdom. But more importantly, each becomes a portal for remembering who you really are.

Your heart knows which path is right.

Your story is ready when you are.

[Book Discovery Call]

Love, Oriya

Note: For those wanting a gentler entry point, I offer a free 12-day email journey where I guide you in beginning to extract medicine from yours.