
The Dance of Love & Hate

What if you feel them towards one person?

## My life’s work is to serve as heart-medicine so please ask me anything” ##

Thank you

for the following question:

Could you explain the relationship between love and hate? Could they co-exist? What happens if you feel these feelings towards the same person, what should you do? - Moon Arica

Dear Moon,

Your question dances at the edge of life's deepest mysteries - the place where opposites meet, where hearts break open, where wisdom waits in what feels impossible.

Love and hate - these ancient dancers, always moving together, always teaching us about ourselves. Let me share what I've come to understand about their sacred dance:

Love includes. Hate excludes.

This is their first teaching.

Their deepest secret.

Love holds space for everything - even hate -

while hate can hold nothing but itself.

This is why they can coexist

When you feel both for someone,

you're being invited into the great dance of the universe -

the eternal rhythm of coming together and growing apart,

like breath, like waves, like heartbeats.

But here's the medicine in your question:

When these opposing forces arise,

they're not really about the other person at all.

They're mirrors, reflecting back

your own heart's unmet places,

your own wisdom waiting to be remembered.

Ask yourself:

Do you hate because they hurt you,

or because they showed you where you hurt yourself?

Do you love because they complete you,

or because they reflect your own completeness?

The real work isn't choosing between love and hate.

It's finding that quiet center within your own heart

that watches both arise and fall away,

like clouds passing through an endless sky.

This is how we crack our hearts open -

Not by forcing love or fighting hate,

but by discovering what remains

when both are allowed to dance through us.

Your question holds its own answer:

These feelings aren't enemies to resolve,

they're teachers guiding you home

to the love you've always been.


Everything is always moving,

coming together and growing apart.

Your work is not to stop the dance,

but to find your center in its midst.

And from that center,

you can choose:

To come closer or create boundaries,

To engage or to release,

To transform or to transcend.

But whatever you choose,

choose it from that quiet place

where love remembers itself,

And here's a secret, just between us:

In the end, it's always just

you & you.

Love, Oriya

Does this resonance with your heart's knowing? Share your own journey with love and hate in the comments below. Your story might be exactly the medicine another heart needs to hear.

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Want to explore these depths together? Message me or Submit your heart's questions here for future columns. Remember - every question carries its own medicine, waiting to be remembered.

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I'm currently seeking heart-centered souls willing to share their transformation journey. For a limited time, I'm offering a private guidance session in exchange for a video testimonial of your experience. This is an invitation to both receive and give medicine - your story might be the very light another heart needs to find its way home.

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